Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Recent Silver

These are my recent silver finds. I haven't been out as much due to the school year...I have found a number of rings and such but they were all junk but these.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Minelab CTX: Wet and Dry Sand Beach Patterns

These are the patterns that I am currently using. Please keep in mind that they may or may not work with your beaches and/or hunting style. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


I found a large silver earring today. Solid and 2 inches in diameter so its a good find. I haven't weighed it yet but it's on the larger end compared to most of the other pieces of silver I find. Then I found this junk earring, which I posted just for fun.

Monday, September 5, 2016


August was a busy month. I found a bunch of silver this month but no gold:( Here is my clad along with some of my junk. Surprisingly I found a silver dime in the bunch. I've got a lot of other junk jewelry not shown in this pic...probably 20 junk rings and pendants.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Hermine day 1

My finds thus far...all junk. I found both of these rings within feet of each other. I did not see any indication that there was any erosion me either. I believe these were probably recent drops as the clad I found was not corroded at all. I only was able to go out for an hour at low tide so I didn't really have time to really see what was out there. Hopefully I will have more time over the next few days.